This is who I am!
So we know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made which we covered in the last post "Fearfully and wonderfully made." So now today we are going to look at being women of Christ. 1 Peter 3:3-5 says "Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing the gold, or putting on fine apparel. Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God, for in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God adorned themselves."
People don't realise that what we wear shows what we are like as a person, either a Godly woman or an ungodly woman. These verses that are mentioned are showing us that we have to be careful of what we wear and how we present ourselves as women of Christ. If we want to be women of Christ the way we dress is important. God showed me a few nights ago that we are unique in Christ. If there is a certain look that we want to portray, first ask God to reveal to you why you want this look. If it's because of the world, think again. If it's because of a vein thought, think again. But if it's to glorify God then go for it, feel beautiful in that outfit! God does mind the clothes we wear. Reasons that aren't pure could cause someone else to stumble. As it says in Matthew 5:28 "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman and lusts for her has already committed adultery in his heart."
I see a lot of posts and articles, and hear a lot of people say "why do girls like me have to cover up. Why can't guys just look away or control themselves. Why do I have to suffer?" Well sisters in Christ don't be like the world if what we wear causes someone to stumble then that isn't right and God wouldn't be pleased with us. Another thing that we have to remember is God shows us in His word that our worth is far above rubies. In verse 31 Proverbs it says "Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised." We have to protect what God has given us and not give it away to anyone but to respect who we are as women and who we are in Christ. God will bless us if we follow Him and do what is right in His sight.
Another thing God showed me was that we shouldn't be afraid to say yes or no to something you like or don't like. That's how people find out about us. What we can't do is say we like something one minute and then say the opposite the next because that is not being true to who we are. So even the clothes we wear, instead of asking a friend what they think of the outfit. Go to God instead. He takes great delight when we seek Him about what we like or ideas we may have. Like it says in Proverbs 8:17 "I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me." The lord knows what we do and don't like. He knows us better than anyone else as He created us in His image. So sisters in Christ if you like that sparkly top, wear it don't worry about others opinions because you are you and you shouldn't have to conform to people of the world.
I wanted to dye my hair different shades of pink I first went before the Lord asking Him what hair colour suited me best. See God wants us to have nice things but He wants to be apart of your decision making. He won't necessarily say no but He may reveal to you something better. But first you have to go back to "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Know that your hair is already made perfect. that your skin colour is already made perfect, and your body is made perfect. Then decide if you want to change something about you. If it's to glorify God and not make someone to stumble as I mentioned earlier then go for it.
Ask and you shall receive knock and the door will be answered. Bless you beautiful daughter of our heavenly father xxxx
People don't realise that what we wear shows what we are like as a person, either a Godly woman or an ungodly woman. These verses that are mentioned are showing us that we have to be careful of what we wear and how we present ourselves as women of Christ. If we want to be women of Christ the way we dress is important. God showed me a few nights ago that we are unique in Christ. If there is a certain look that we want to portray, first ask God to reveal to you why you want this look. If it's because of the world, think again. If it's because of a vein thought, think again. But if it's to glorify God then go for it, feel beautiful in that outfit! God does mind the clothes we wear. Reasons that aren't pure could cause someone else to stumble. As it says in Matthew 5:28 "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman and lusts for her has already committed adultery in his heart."
I see a lot of posts and articles, and hear a lot of people say "why do girls like me have to cover up. Why can't guys just look away or control themselves. Why do I have to suffer?" Well sisters in Christ don't be like the world if what we wear causes someone to stumble then that isn't right and God wouldn't be pleased with us. Another thing that we have to remember is God shows us in His word that our worth is far above rubies. In verse 31 Proverbs it says "Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised." We have to protect what God has given us and not give it away to anyone but to respect who we are as women and who we are in Christ. God will bless us if we follow Him and do what is right in His sight.
Another thing God showed me was that we shouldn't be afraid to say yes or no to something you like or don't like. That's how people find out about us. What we can't do is say we like something one minute and then say the opposite the next because that is not being true to who we are. So even the clothes we wear, instead of asking a friend what they think of the outfit. Go to God instead. He takes great delight when we seek Him about what we like or ideas we may have. Like it says in Proverbs 8:17 "I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me." The lord knows what we do and don't like. He knows us better than anyone else as He created us in His image. So sisters in Christ if you like that sparkly top, wear it don't worry about others opinions because you are you and you shouldn't have to conform to people of the world.
I wanted to dye my hair different shades of pink I first went before the Lord asking Him what hair colour suited me best. See God wants us to have nice things but He wants to be apart of your decision making. He won't necessarily say no but He may reveal to you something better. But first you have to go back to "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Know that your hair is already made perfect. that your skin colour is already made perfect, and your body is made perfect. Then decide if you want to change something about you. If it's to glorify God and not make someone to stumble as I mentioned earlier then go for it.
Ask and you shall receive knock and the door will be answered. Bless you beautiful daughter of our heavenly father xxxx
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