Your sins have been forgiven

​I woke up this morning and felt the devil really condemning me of sins that I had been forgiven for. I spent sometime with God thanking and praising him for all his forgiveness and his faithfulness towards me. It says in Romans 8:1 “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” It sure is a daily struggle trusting the Lord has forgiven us but it’s something we need to practice on and ask God for his help. We need to meditate on this and think about what it means to us and our walk with the Lord. One thing it doesn’t mean is not to go out purposefully sinning, the devil wants you to think it’s ok. What it does mean if we sin (which we will inevitably do on a daily basis) we can go to God about it as it says in Gods word “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9). Ponder this in your hearts for a moment. Go back to a time when you didn’t really know the truth of this verse or was listening to the devils condemnation. Did you know that because you gave your life to the Lord this was applicable then as it is now?  See God knew everything about us before we even were conceived in our mothers womb. He knew how many hairs our upon our heads, when we were going to take our first steps and say our first words. Exactly like the Lord knows our sins and when we will commit them before we know ourselves. 

See I love this verse in the bible when it says “I, even I, am the one who wipes out our transgressions for my own name sake, and I will not remember your sins” (Isaiah 43:25). He will not remember your sins. Wow! Read that verse again! So now we know this truth what do you think God wants us to do with our past sin? Keep a hold of them and remember them? Absolutely not!! The Lord wants us to forget them, just like He has. 

I was in church on Sunday and the minister who was preaching was speaking about sin. He gave a good analogy on sin and repentance using a medical stance on it. So like in a medical view you have the symptoms- how your feeling, are you sore or feeling sick? Then you got the diagnoses - Doctors will identify what may be causing your symptoms. Lastly you got the cure - Doctors have now singled out what could be the problem identified it and now has given the right medication to prevent and cure the illness. This is just like our sin, we have symptoms - we may feel nauseous, we may feel sad or lonely. Sometimes we don’t know that’s sin that’s causing the feelings so that’s why we go to God and ask him to reveal what the problem is and he diagnoses us. Now that we know it’s sin that’s causing us the feelings what do you think happens next? We ask God to forgive us (cure us) and that’s when we get healed from our sin. Doesn’t stop us from still sinning but it helps us to know that as humans we are sinners and know we can go to Fod about it.

Wherever you are just now sit with me in a quiet place and thank God for the sins he has and will forgive you for. Once you prayed a short prayer asking him for this, ask him to help you forget your past sins and to trust that he has forgiven you. 

God bless Hannah x 


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