Is it easy being a Christian in the world today?
“I have told you these things so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete” (John 15 v11) |
Its so hard being a christian in the world that we live in today… its looked upon as not cool, as strange, as restricting. I so rather be an outsider not following the crowds, not being influenced by society’s norms shall we say, not being popular in the work place or in everyday life. Having a faith has been a great comfort in times of great difficulty, through losing loved ones, through battling my own illness as a young child to finding peace and happiness through small things when it looked as though the earth around me was crumbling. Being a Christian doesn’t make you perfect by any means, doesn’t make you any more important than people around you doesn’t stop you from making mistakes because we are all human. We will say things, we will do things that we will regret, everyday of our lives. What faith does do is brings structure into your life, helps you love others, forgive others. Offer encouragement to those who need it. Be advocates for those who cant advocate for themselves. Brings peace and happiness that you cant get from anywhere else and a hope in this dark world that we live in today. Its not easy being a christian its one of the most difficult things but its rewarding. Its hard to not compromise, its hard not to join in with others, its hard to not give up when the going gets tough. But its the thought that there is a God out there who wants the best for us that loves us and who gave his son up on the cross so the likes of me and you can be saved. There is a stigma in society about christian belief that its religious that its conforming that its just a set of rules you have to follow and its restrictive but can I tell you I have back slid, I have gone against my faith and almost walked away from God and at that time of running away I never felt so suffocated so trapped, so lost and alone than what I felt having that faith…. There is so much freedom as a christian which you will never find in the world, yea in the world you can do anything you like you have a “freedom” as such but does that really bring you happiness at the end of the day? Do you feel fulfilled? We need something to hope for, especially with everything that is going on in the world. We need a purpose in life, a hope for the unseen and a faith that will give us a new life in Christ. It’s not a set of rules it’s a life changer, it’s not conforming but quite the opposite. It’s not a get out of jail free card but it allows us to be free from our sin as long as we can confess to our God. People think that as Christians we need to evangelise, to talk about God to every single person we see in the streets but do you know how uncomfortable that could make people? controversial I know. Can I ask how do you feel when someone approaches you and starts talking about there beliefs? Yes we should be open for discussion but the key thing we need to remember is that it’s only if God wants us to talk. It’s about living a Godly life and as long as we are walking with God and correcting our every move then people will see Jesus through us as long as we are in the right place with God. We can say all the right things to please others but our actions are what people are looking at in the world, they are watching to see if we fall, if what we say doesn’t add up to how we walk.
Remember beloved family we have a very important purpose in life is to have faith in the unseen, whether you are a stay at home mum, dad or lawyer, God has put us in places we are in to be a light, all God wants of us is to do the best in our jobs and to trust in God and by doing that we are already touching those around us and we don’t even know it.
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