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Is it easy being a Christian in the world today?

“I have told you these things so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete” (John 15 v11)  Its so hard being a christian in the world that we live in today… its looked upon as not cool, as strange, as restricting. I so rather be an outsider not following the crowds, not being influenced by society’s norms shall we say, not being popular in the work place or in everyday life. Having a faith has been a great comfort in times of great difficulty, through losing loved ones, through battling my own illness as a young child to finding peace and happiness through small things when it looked as though the earth around me was crumbling. Being a Christian doesn’t make you perfect by any means, doesn’t make you any more important than people around you doesn’t stop you from making mistakes because we are all human. We will say things, we will do things that we will regret, everyday of our lives. What faith does do is brings structure into your life, helps you love others, forgive...

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